


  • Real-time report creation directly from plants and machines, certifying uptime, machine downtime, alarms, anomalies, temperatures, etc.
  • Certification::
    • of the cold chain which guarantees transparency and reliability;
    • guarantee and quality of the product, both of the active ingredients and of the final product and its packaging;
    • oil refining and transformation processes;
    • energy consumption.
  • Improvement of safety and ease in the management of local energy exchange markets.
  • Automation and cost reduction of energy certificates of origin.
  • Traceability of hydrogen and biogas production and distribution.
Manutenzione, tracciabilità e ispezione

Maintenance, traceability and inspection


  • Monitoring and certification of: alarms, updates, environmental conditions, service times, maintenance and inspection activities, machine shutdowns and fire protection systems.
  • Creation of verifiable reports; process digitization; improvement of efficiency and reliability.
  • Tracking and evidence of all loading and unloading operations, goods status and receptions.
  • Monitoring and unalterable proof of the progress of the work.
Connettività e cybersecurity

Connectivity and cybersecurity

Safety & Security

  • Verifiable proof of communications and service status at any time.
  • Certification of satellite images.
  • Cloud and server certification.


Safety & Security

  • In industrial and infrastructural environments it is essential to have visibility on the status of all security systems, such as:
  • evidence of the event for the status of the system, alarms and accidents;
  • proof of work for maintenance and inspections;
  • rapid implementation of the blockchain without the need for a specific platform.
  • Traceability of the status of the company fleet at any time, with a certified history of activities. Maximum quality assurance and transparency in the transport service.
Assicurativo e finanziario

Insurance and financial

Value Services

  • Promotion of new projects and improvement of existing ones by adding innovative and rapid implementation tools.
  • Creation of a certified history of events subject to verification. Tracking, authenticity and evidence of transactions that are subject to insurance controls.
Beni di valore

Luxury goods

Value Services

  • Traceability of raw materials and products along the supply chain, protecting them from counterfeits.
  • Certification of the uniqueness of the individual items within a collection.
  • Proof of authenticity of a precious asset, and relative verification of origin, of the artist and more. It can be used as a physical medium for NFT (Non-Fungible-Token) allowing for trade and transfer of ownership.

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